Connect your community through our app

Discover the E-Loyalty app from The EPOS Bureau, providing a unique way to reach your community and foster an environment where customers keep coming back for more.

get in touch to learn how our app can support you

The future of customer loyalty

Customers expect a seamless shopping experience, no matter where they are. With the E-Loyalty app, you can improve your customer engagement in minutes, with little technical experience required.

Built for farm shops. Built for communities.

Key features of our app

Icon1 quick and easy payments
Simple content management console

The E-Loyalty app makes it easy to create and share content regardless of previous social media experience. Posting an update to your community is as simple as sending a message, with shop branding and images a quick add-on that strengthens your brand consistency.

Icon1 The features your business needs
Easy linking to loyalty accounts

Your members can link their E-Loyalty app to their existing loyalty account, providing them with quick access to real-time loyalty points, account balances and rewards, encouraging a seamless shopping experience and leading to more promotion opportunities.

Icon1 Boost profit margins
Targeted content based on purchase data

Once members have linked their accounts, they can receive targeted content based on historic purchase data, ensuring they receive relevant messages at relevant times. This will lead to higher engagement and lead to increased sales as customers feel recognised and appreciated.

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Speed up processes to make running your farm shop easier

  • Send out communications or messages during peak periods or flash sales
  • Store customer purchase history and reward loyal customers with points
  • Remain relevant and competitive in the digital age, attracting customers of all ages
  • Eliminate the need for a professional with an easy-to-use interface
  • Enable customers to view direct insights into their shopping history

Find out how our E-Loyalty app can help your farm shop

Contact our team to find out more about how our app can support you going forward.
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